12:30 pm - Friday, April 26

Talk: Immigrant Resistance in the Deportation Nation

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Professors Andrews and Prieto debut each of their new book projects on barriers to and opportunities for undocumented politics in the deportation nation. Andrews?s Undocumented Politics: Place, Gender, and Pathways of Mexican Migrants and Prieto?s Immigrants Under Threat: Risk and Resistance in the Deportation Nation together offer an analysis of the transnational relations, local political conditions, and gendered and racial hierarchies that reinforce immigrants? subordination at a time of unprecedented repression and create the conditions for the emergence of collective contention from these unlikely challengers. In this conversation between the authors, Andrews and Prieto reflect on the myriad ways that everyday life both enable and constrain immigrants? political mobilization and social mobility. The format for this session begins with brief presentations on from Professors Andrews and Prieto on their respective book projects, followed by a discussion between the authors and the audience.

Admission/Cost: FREE

Serra Hall, 200
Humanities Center
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA 92110

Friday, April 26 - 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM