6:00 pm - Tuesday, May 7

Talk About South Africa

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Join the San Diego Diplomacy Council and the Worldview Project as we present South Africa?s 25th Anniversary, a Talk About Series event featuring Sharon Katz and Marilyn Cohen, Producer of award winning and Grammy-nominated documentary, ?When Voices Meet?, which documents The Peace Train?s role in spreading Mandela?s message and helping youth to heal from the wounds of Apartheid.

The multicultural South African band of Sharon Katz & The Peace Train helped Nelson Mandela end Apartheid and continue spreading their message of peace and reconciliation through music all around the world.

Our Talk-About Series focus on issues of current concern and are presented in the format of a panel discussion with generally one or two subject-matter experts and a mediator. The Series take place at local libraries and are open to non-members.

Admission/Cost: FREE but

Tuesday, May 7 - 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

For more information, please visit: www.sandiegodiplomacy.org