6:00 pm - Wednesday, May 22

Film: Est? Todo Bien (It's All Good)

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As the public health system collapses, a pharmacist, a trauma surgeon, a social activist, and two cancer patients confront the same questions as millions of other Venezuelans struggling to survive in a nation plunged into chaos: to protest or to acquiesce, to emigrate or to stick it out, to lose all hope or to hang on to faith? Together they take to the stage to act out their circumstances and find emotional release.

?A country's collapse is dramatic and in hindsight seems inevitable, but when it's experienced gradually, on a day-by-day basis, it can almost pass unnoticed, like looking in the mirror each morning and not seeing how you age.? - Tuki Jencquel, Director, Est? Todo Bien

Q&A with Managing Director for the Americas at Human Rights Watch, Daniel Wilkinson & Venezuela expert, Prof. Diego Zambrano

Admission/Cost: FREE but - [CAMPUS MAP]

Wednesday, May 22 - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM