5:00 pm - Monday, June 3

Talk: U.S. - China Relations in an Age of Adaptation

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As the U.S.-China rivalry roils the region, there is a new dynamic underway in Asia that goes beyond the struggle for primacy between Washington, D.C. and Beijing. Despite an emerging pattern of increasing deference to China?s policy preference, few countries in the region are fully ?bandwagoning? with China. Instead, Asia is adapting to a less dependable America, and a stronger and more assertive China, through new arrangements and institutions. This structural diversification process will impact both U.S. and Chinese interests in the long term and underscores that the next U.S. administration, regardless of party or policy, will encounter a more challenging and altered environment in this crucial region.

Daniel Russel, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, will address these dynamics in the Seventh Robert F. Ellsworth Memorial Lecture.

A reception will follow the event.

Admission/Cost: FREE but please Register

The Great Hall, International House - UCSD
9500 Gilman Dr
La Jolla, CA 92093

Monday, June 3 - 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM