10:00 am - Wednesday, February 2

Japanese Setsubun Celebration

Japanese Friendship Garden, Balboa Park, San Diego

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Come join us on Setsubun to banish the evil and welcome Spring with good fortune.

All of the activities, vendors and performances will take place at the garden. We invite guests to make special oni masks, as well as participate in the Mamemaki, or bean tossing event. Masu cups filled with Roasted Soybeans for the event will be available for purchase online or at JFG’s gift shop located inside the Inamori Pavilion. Guests can also enjoy Taiko Drummers, Kamishibai, and Go. We’ll also have Eho-Maki rolls and mochi available at our cafe. Join us for an exciting event!

Admission/Cost: ?

Japanese Friendship Garden
Balboa Park
San Diego, CA

Wednesday, February 2 - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM