6:00 pm - Thursday, April 21

Italian Film: Molecole (Molecules)

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Between February and April 2020, director Andrea Segre got stuck in Venice during the lockdown: Venice, the hometown of his father and just partially his own. At the time, he was working on two theatre and movie projects about threats to the city: tourism and high water. During the filming, the virus froze and emptied out the city before his eyes and gave back the town to its own nature, history, and somehow, also to Andrea. He collected visual notes and stories and spent time in his family home, where he got the chance to dig into the childhood memories that dragged him deeper down than he could have ever imagined. The personal archives on super8 of Ulderico, father of the director, alternate with encounters with Venice residents, both telling the relationship between the city, and the waters and at the same time living the unexpected void that took over Venice and a big part of the world. The images are held together by the director’s out-of-field voice, the music by Teho Teardo and an atmosphere of expectation and amazement which pervades all the visual and existential material of this strange journey, unreal and unrealizable but remaining in the heart of a very real and historical event which has marked and will mark the world forever.

In Italian with English subtitles. Available only in the US.

Presented by the San Diego Italian Film Festival.

Admission/Cost: $7 - $14

Online Streaming Event

Thursday, April 21 - 6:00 PM