5:00 pm - Tuesday, May 17

Talk: Rediscovering Chinese Art Via Music

Atkinson Hal, UCSD, La Jolla

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Joseph S.C. Lam is a professor of musicology at the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance at the University of Michigan. A musicologist and sinologist, Lam specializes in the music and cultures of Southern Song (1127-1279), Ming (1368-1644) and modern China (1900 to present). Lam’s recent publications include chapters and articles in “Senses of the City,” Yinyue yishu/Musical Art, “The Ming World,” “Oxford Handbook of Music and Queerness” and “How to Read Chinese Drama.” Lam’s “Kunqu, A Classical Opera of Contemporary China” will be published by the Hong Kong University Press in late 2022.

Lei Liang is a Chinese-born American composer whose work has received accolades from academia and music critics. Liang is the winner of the 2011 Rome Prize and the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, an Aaron Copland Award, a Koussevitzky Foundation Commission, a Creative Capital Award and the Goddard Lieberson Fellowship from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His concerto for saxophone and orchestra, Xiaoxiang, was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Music in 2015. His orchestral work A Thousand Mountains, A Million Streams won the prestigious 2021 Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition. Liang leads an annual collaborative program on Chinese art and music between the 21st Century China Center and the Music Department.

Admission/Cost: FREE Please Register

Atkinson Hall, Calit2 Theater
Engineer Lane
Voight Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093

Tuesday, May 17 - 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM