6:00 pm - Thursday, May 19

Italian Film: Volevo Nascondermi (Hidden Away)

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Toni, an orphan of Italian origin, is deported from Switzerland to Italy, where he lives in abject poverty on the banks of river Po. Physically deformed and mentally disordered, Toni is marginalized and humiliated by a society hateful of any suspicion of divergence. Ultimately, he finds refuge in painting, channeling his bitterness and dire need for acceptance. A gripping biopic featuring painter Antonio Ligabue that exalts art’s redemptive powers, while praising the values of diversity.

Join the Italian Film Festival for a live discussion of the movie Sunday, May 22 at 11:00 AM on Zoom.

Presented by: The San Diego Italian Film Festival

Admission/Cost: $7 - $14

Streaming Event

Thursday, May 19 - 6:00 PM