5:00 pm - Thursday, October 6

AfroRithms from the Future: A Participatory Workshop

Design and Innovation Building, UCSD, San Diego

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he Clarke Center from Human Imagination, the Indigenous Futures Institute, and the Black Studies Project at UC San Diego invite you to join us for an AfroRithms from the Future workshop to collaborate on imagining more inclusive and just futures, led by Lonny J. Avi Brooks, Ahmed Best, and Jade Fabello.

AfroRithms from the Future is an inclusive, design thinking, story-telling game built on the principle of shifting from a center of Western cultural views to alternative future worlds where Black and BIPOC cultural perspectives are at the forefront. An explicit goal is to “democratize the future [and to] intentionally anticipate democratic anti-racist futures where Black and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) futures matter.”

Developed by Lonny J. Avi Brooks (’04), Ahmed Best, and game designer Eli Kosminsky, Afro-Rithms from the Future has been featured in events at Stanford University’s d.school, the Institute for the Future, NeueHouse Hollywood, and UNESCO. Fathomers and the Equitable Games Group are supporting Brooks, Best, and Kosminsky in the ongoing public play-testing and refinement of the game for eventual public release and distribution as a school curriculum tool.

Space is limited so please RSVP here to hold a space in the workshop.

Admission/Cost: FREE Please Registration Required

Design and Innovation Building, Room 208
San Diego, CA

Thursday, October 6 - 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM