7:00 pm - Thursday, October 13

Italian Film: Welcome Venice

Museum of Photographic Arts, Balboa Park, San Diego

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Pietro and Alvise are heirs to a family of fishermen on the island of Giudecca, in the Venice lagoon. They clash on what should be done with their family house. The deepening impact of global tourism has strongly changed Venice and it has altered the very relationship between city and citizen, between home and life. And the pandemic has made this crisis more evident. Although it is a hard life, Pietro would like to continue fishing for “moeche”, the typical crabs of the lagoon. On the other hand, Alvise wants to take advantage of the house to restart his life, trying to enter the elite of the real estate power that runs the city. Their clash involves the whole family in a choral tale of how our world is changing.

‍In Italian with English subtitles.

Part of the Italian Film Festival's 2022 feStivale series.

Admission/Cost: $16

Museum of Photographic Arts
Balboa Park
San Diego, CA

Thursday, October 13 - 7:00 PM