7:00 pm - Sunday, October 16

Italian Film: Settembre (September)

Museum of Photographic Arts, Balboa Park, San Diego

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The quest for happiness, for authentic human relationships and for new beginnings, whether at 15, 40 or 60 years of age, is the red thread tying together the three stories told in Settembre, actress/screenwriter Giulia Louise Steigerwalt’s brilliant directorial debut. It’s a fresh and brilliantly written ensemble comedy whose actors are perfectly aligned with their parts, and which combines emotion and the painful irony of Italian-style comedy with a rigorous and classic American narrative structure, all in a well-balanced mix of light-heartedness and melancholy.

‍In Italian with English subtitles.

Part of the Italian Film Festival's 2022 feStivale series.

Admission/Cost: $16

Museum of Photographic Arts
Balboa Park
San Diego, CA

Sunday, October 16 - 7:00 PM