6:00 pm - Sunday, July 7

Staged Reading of Halpern & Johnson

La Jolla Library, 7561 Draper Avenue, La Jolla

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The play opens as the funeral for the wife of Joseph Halpern, a retired Jewish man, is ending... Waiting for an opportunity to meet Mr. Halpern is Dennis Johnson, a retired Catholic man, who had known "Flo" -- as he called her, even longer than the new widower... The two men next meet weeks later, and Johnson makes revelations which, suffice it to say, do not please Halpern... The tension is high, but the play is at its core a poignant comedy; you are guaranteed to be both moved and entertained...!....

Admission/Cost: $10 - $15 donation suggested

La Jolla Library
7561 Draper Avenue
La Jolla, CA

Sunday, July 7 - 6:00 PM