1:00 pm - Sunday, February 16

World Kamishibai Forum

Central Library, 300 Park Blvd., San Diego

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Kamishibai, literally “paper theater” in Japanese, is a form of storytelling that combines a set of standard-size illustrated paper cards paired with a scripted performance by a narrator.

Join us for the first ever in person World Kamishibai Forum.

The World Kamishibai Forum will bring together and celebrate the diversity of Kamishibai performance styles from around the world. Librarians, teachers and storytellers will have the opportunity to learn from internationally recognized Kamishibai experts. The 2 days will encompass “How to” workshops and lots of Kamishibai storytelling and presentations.

Admission/Cost: FREE

San Diego Central Library
300 Park Blvd.
San Diego, CA

Dates and Times:
Saturday, February 15 - 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Sunday, February 16 - 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM