Events on Wednesday, May 19 (2021)

Events List

Talk: Memory & Refuge(eness): on Southeast Asian Identities & War

11:00 am - Wednesday, May 19

A conversation between Long Bui's Returns of War: South Vietname and the Price of Refugee Memory (New York University Press, 2018) and Ma Vang's History on the Run: Secrecy, Fugitivity, and Hmong Refugee Espistemologies (Duke University Press).

Dr. Long Bui is an Associate Professor in Global & International Studies at UC Irvine and graduated with his PhD in Ethnic Studies from UC San Diego in 2011.

Dr. Ma Vang is an Assistant Professor in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies at UC Merced and graduated with her PhD in Ethnic Studies from UC San Diego in 2012.

Admission/Cost: FREE

Online Event
Registration required.

Wednesday, May 19 - 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM

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Showing up for our AAPI Community: the Bystander Challenge

3:30 pm - Wednesday, May 19

The recent surge in hate incidents targeting Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders have shocked and appalled us, and we are troubled by the deep biases that are at the root of these hateful actions. These biases also show up in everyday conversation with people at work, school, and our communities in the form of micro-aggressions. What can each of us, who consider ourselves allies to our AAPI friends and community members, do in the moment when we hear comments and witness behaviors that can escalate to the point of an individual feeling harassed or disrespected? How can we go from being a bystander to an upstander within our own spheres of influence so that inappropriate or cruel questions, jokes, and comments don’t go unchecked? Join us in an interactive, skill-building workshop to practice the skills we can all use in our daily lives to be upstanders in solidarity with our AAPI neighbors and friends.

This workshop by the by National Conflict Resolution Center is supported by the County of San Diego HHSA.

Online Event
Registration required.

Wednesday, May 19 - 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM

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