7:00 pm - Saturday, October 5

SDIFF: Io Capitano

Museum of Photographic Arts , Balboa Park, San Diego

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From writer-director Matteo Garrone (Gomorrah, Dogman) comes an epic odyssey from West Africa to Italy told through the eyes and experiences of two Senegalese cousins, teenagers living in Dakar who yearn for a brighter future in Europe. But in between lies a tense and treacherous journey through myriad checkpoints, across the scorching Saharan desert, inside dank North African prisons, and atop the choppy waters of the Mediterranean Sea, where thousands have died packed inside seafaring vessels barely fit for passage.

‍In Wolof and French with English subtitles.

Admission/Cost: $7 - $16

Museum of Photographic Arts
Balboa Park
San Diego, CA

Saturday, October 5 - 7:00 PM

For more information, please visit: www.sandiegoitalianfilmfestival.com