6:30 pm - Thursday, December 16

Discussion: What Korematsu vs. United States Means for Us Today

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Hear from two Asian American luminaries: Dale Minami, lead attorney on the legal team that overturned the conviction of Fred Korematsu, and Dr. Karen Korematsu, Founder and Executive Director of the Korematsu Institute, a non-profit dedicated to advancing racial equity, social justice and human rights for all. Lane Nishikawa, actor and independent filmmaker, will facilitate a discussion as we hear behind the scenes stories from the case and the implications and relevance of Korematsu in our world today. See biographies for the panelists here. Co-sponsored with the San Diego Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). Part of the program series: "The Rebellious Miss Breed: San Diego Public Library & the Japanese American Incarceration."

Admission/Cost: FREE

Online Streaming Event

Thursday, December 16 - 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM