
The cuisine of Martinique, an island in the Caribbean Sea, combines influences from a disparate variety of cultures and traditions. Much of Caribbean culture is known as "Creole" a term that originally referred to people of European descent who were born in the Americas. However its meaning broadened over time into an umbrella term for a cultures that were forged out a mixture of European, African and indigenous influences. The term emblematic of the food, language and people of the Caribbean islands, particularly the West Indies.

The sea influences the cuisine of these islands. The bountiful seafood coupled with produce that is now grown on these tropical islands are hallmarks of the diet in the Caribbean. Plantains, fresh herbs, fruit and various citrus items make constant appearances in the food from Jamaica in the North to Trinidad and Tobago in the South.

Martiniquais cuisine showcases the influence of French, African, Carib Amerindian and South Asian styles throughout its cooking methods, ingredients and flavor combinations. For example, dishes spiced with "Colombo" powder (also referred to simply as "Colombo") will have generous amounts of dried spices like mustard seed, turmeric, coriander, garlic and red chilies, an homage to the masalas of the Indian subcontinent. Another nod to the diverse heritage of Martiniquais cuisine is the acra, a fritter typically made from salt cod. This fritters origins can be traced to akara, a black-eyed pea fritter ubiquitous throughout West Africa, and in bacalahu, a preserved cod popular in seafaring European nations. Additional ingredients such as yams, peas and leafy greens also link West Africa with the Caribbean island cuisine.

The dish listed below, Sea Bass blaff, showcases a bit of each cultural influence. Its name comes from the noise a piece of fish makes when it is dropped into a pot of water.

Marinade Ingredients:

  • 2 pounds red snapper, bream, or bass
  • 1 Scotch Bonnet pepper
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 medium yellow onion, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
  • 4 limes, juiced
  • Salt and black pepper

Blaff Ingredieents:

  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 6 scallions, finely chopped
  • 1 large white onion, julienned (thin strips cut from end to end from a halved onion)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 3 sprigs of fresh thyme, leaves removed and roughly chopped
  • 2 whole cloves
  • 5 sprigs flat leaf (Italian) parsley, finely chopped
  • 1 Scotch Bonnet pepper
  • 4 limes, juiced
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Place the pieces of fish into a large nonreactive bowl (stainless steel, ceramic, glass or enamal).
  2. Add the marinade ingredients with enough water to cover the fish. Allow the fish to marinate eight hours or overnight.
  3. Pour 1 cup water into a 2-quart saucepan and add in half of the scallions, garlic, onion, thyme and parsley, along with the bay leaf, Scotch Bonnet pepper and cloves.
  4. Season the mixture to taste with salt and pepper.
  5. Heat to a gentle simmer over medium high heat.
  6. Once simmering, add the fish and lower heat to maintain a simmer for 5-7 minutes, until the fish is cooked through.
  7. Remove the mixture from the heat and add in the lime juice and garnish with the remaining herbs and aromatics.
  8. Stir the mixture gently, making sure not to burst the pepper, and serve with a side of rice or cooked yams.

Recipe and Photo by Liam Fox

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Indonesians eat a lot of their foods with their hands, but not usually Gado-Gado (I'm sure there are exceptions). You might be tempted to break out a fork for the task but a spoon the size of a serving spoon is more common and authentic.

Before eating Indonesians often say Makanlah (Ma Con Lah) which means "Let's Eat!" This exhortation is often accompanied by a symbolic motion by the speakers hand "offering" the food to others. This is particularly done when eating in public, the offer is extended to everyone nearby the eater, not just the folks at the table.

When eating in an informal Indonesian restaurant it is not uncommon for strangers to sit down to eat with you if your table has any empty chairs. It's a great way to meet new people!

Gado-gado an Indonesian Culinary Adventure

Gado-gado is a popular Indonesian dish that hails from the island of Java but is found throughout much of Indonesia and Malaysia. Like many Indonesian meals -- and gado gado is a complete meal -- it creates a melody of tastes; at once spicy hot, sour, sweet and very slightly salty. The ingredients vary from place to place and from cook to cook. Typically it is served at room temperature but it is best if everything is freshly prepared and still slightly warm but not hot. The word Gado-Gado simply means "mixed-up."

If you are a vegetarian traveling to Indonesia, it will be a culinary refuge. Done right, gado-gado is a multi-layered delight. The lowest layer consists of freshly cooked white rice. On top of this are cooked vegetables, hard boiled eggs and fried tofu. Toping this is a layer of spicy peanut sauce. The top layer consists of a prepared tomato and chili sauce along with fried onions and shrimp crackers.. We give a recipe for making "home-made" peanut sauce but dry pre-prepared mixtures can be purchased and they are gaining in popularity. All of the ingredients mentioned in this article can be purchased in the 99 Ranch Market on Clairmont Mesa Blvd.

Gado-gado Peanut Sauce (Bumbu Kacang )

The peanut sauce for Gado-gado is a bit difficult to make here in the United States due to unavailability of certain spices and flavorings in American stores, even in Asian grocery stores. You may be tempted to purchase ready-made peanut sauce, often called "Thai peanut sauce" found in many American and Asian grocery stores but we have not found any that come close to the Indonesian style.

There is, however, a very reasonable and tasty alternative. At 99 Ranch Market on Clairemont Mesa Blvd. you can purchase little ready-made packages of ground peanuts and spices that will do just fine. The are called Bumbu Gado-gado or Bumbu Pecel This peanut sauce can also used for Javanese-style "sate" skewers of chicken and sometimes beef or goat that are marinated in a sweet soy sauce (kecap manis.

You can follow the package instructions which suggest just adding water. For a tastier and creamier sauce, substitute coconut milk for the water and add a tablespoon or two of fresh lime juice at the very end. If you desire a more spicy-hot sauce, add a tablespoon or two of "Sambal Olek" a hot chili-tomato-garlic sauce which can now be found in nearly all San Diego grocery stores in the Asian food section.

If you really must make your peanut sauce from scratch here is a recipe.

Peanut Sauce Ingredients

  • 1/2 tablespoon of peanut oil
  • 1 cup of natural peanut butter (not chunky)
  • 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon of shrimp paste (terasi or blacan. but 1 Tbsp of fish sauce can be used instead)
  • 1 cup of coconut milk (water can be substituted but you will lose a bit of flavor and delectable creaminess)
  • 2 tablespoons minced shallots
  • 1 tablespoon of soy sauce
  • 1 cup of water (that would be 2 cups if you are not using the coconut milk. Amusingly the Indonesian word for water is air, roughly pronounced "ah-ear")
  • 3 tablespoons of palm sugar (aka gula jawa, gula merah or jaggary) brown sugar can be substituted).
  • 1 teaspoon of sambal olek
  • 2 tablespoon tamarind juice (lemon or lime juice are fine too)
  • 1 tablespoon ground Kencur root (aka "lesser galangal")
  • 3 citrus leaves (kaffir lime or jeruk perut)

Note: It may be easier to use sweet soy sauce "Kecup Manis than the soy sauce and palm sugar found in this recipe. Use this to sweeten the sauce to taste, it should be fairly sweet but not overbearingly.

For a glossary of popular Indonesian ingredients see:

Peanut Sauce Preparation:

  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium heat.
  2. Add the garlic and shrimp paste and cook for 1 minute stirring constantly to dissolve the shrimp paste.
  3. Add all of the remaining ingredients except the tamarind juice (or lemon or lime juice).
  4. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low and simmer uncovered for 10 to 15 minutes. Be sure to stir frequently to prevent the sauce from burning.
  5. When sauce is creamy add in the tamarind, lemon or lime juice.

If the sauce gets too thick just add more water. It should be rather thick but pour easily.

Essential Ingredients! Bumbu Pecel, Krupuk Udang and Sambal Olek

Main Ingredients:

You can use practically any kind of vegetable you can think of, below are ones that might be more popular in Indonesia. You can use more or less of the vegetable according to your liking, we mention 1 cup amounts but this is really up to you and the desires of your guests. Do not overcook the vegetables; they should be just past the point of being crunchy. All the vegetables can be cooked in salted water.

  • 3-4 hard boiled eggs, peeled and sliced (A trick for cooking hard-boiled eggs is to bring them to a boil, cover the pot, turn off the heat and wait 20 minutes)
  • 1 cup cabbage, cut into medium size bits
  • 1 cup long beans cut into 4inch lengths (these are called kacang panjang in Indonesia, also known as "Chinese long beans." Trim the ends and cut into 4-5 inch lengths. It is perfectly ok to substitute whole green beans instead).
  • 1 cup carrots, sliced
  • 1 cup cauliflower, cut into smallish bud sized pieces
  • 1 cup mung bean sprouts
  • 1 medium sized boiled, peeled and sliced potato


Attention to cooking times is essential for an outstanding result. At sea level we suggest:

  1. Boil the potatoes until they are done but not mushy. You can boil the whole, pre-sliced or however you like.
  2. 3-4 minutes for the carrots
  3. 2-3 minutes for everything else
  4. Cucumbers. Use raw. Score the cucumber lengthwise with a fork before slices, we swear it improves their taste (and, of course they look nicer).
  5. Tomatoes: Use raw, cut into small wedges.

Frying the Tofu

This is a bit more tricky that it might seem as tofu has so much water in it making it difficult to brown. Chinese and Japanese fried tofu is covered with flour or cornstarch, but this is not very Indonesian tasting. Start out by slicing the tofu into flat strips. It is important that you pat dry the tofu slices with paper towels or a cloth until it doesn't wet the towel anymore. The cooking oil should be around 300 degrees (hot but not really really hot) or so. You can pan fry or deep fry the tofu until it is golden brown. We've heard that salting the tofu with coarse salt and letting it stand for 5 minutes and then patting it dry helps. You can also fry tempe (fermented soy bean cake) in a similar manner.

The Magic of Krupuk

Krupuk are Indonesian version of chips or crackers and they come in a wide variety of types and ingredients. The base ingredient is tapioca but krupuk get their flavor from the added ingredients. In Java they now have "krupuk eating contests" perhaps a bit (not much) more healthy than American pie or hot-dog eating contests. The most popular variety is "krupuk udang," shrimp flavored and it is the variety that is usually used with gado-gado. Krupuk are magical. They start out as flat hard slices and when heated they expand dramatically into llarge light-as-a-feather crunchy delight. There are two ways to prepare krupuk, the typical Indonesian way and the tricky but convenient and more healthy way (but a wee bit less tasty).

Usual Indonesian method:

  1. In a wok or 5- to 6-quart pan, pour peanut oil to a depth of about 1 1/2 inches. Set pan over high heat and bring oil to 350 degrees. If you are unfamiliar with deep frying, try using a candy thermometer.
  2. Drop 3 to 5 krupuk or 1 larger cracker into oil and, with a slotted spoon, turn to cook other sides; they puff almost immediatelyRemove from oil and drain in paper towel-lined pans.
  3. Repeat step to cook remaining krupuk.

The Convenient method:

Krupuk can be cooked in a microwave which lessens their oil content. It is a bit tricky, however, as it is easy to burn them (which is awful) or undercook them (awful too) or do both at the same time (horrible). Each microwave oven is different so a bit of experimentation is required. When we use this method we set our microwave to half power and heat them in a large microwave-safe bowl for a minute. But it is really important to keep a watchful eye out on matters to prevent a culinary disaster.


Array the vegetables, tofu and eggs on a platter. Put the rice, sambal olek (chili sauce), fried onions and shrimp crackers in their own separate serving dishes.

Assembling a plate: The art of eating gado-gado. May we suggest:

  1. laydown a layer of rice (as much or little as you like)
  2. Artistically festoon the rice with the vegetables, tofu and eggs.
  3. Slather the peanut sauce over the whole creation
  4. Sprinkle fried onions over the top
  5. Crumble a few Shrimp Crackers over everything
  6. Sprinkle a bit of Sambal Olek chili sauce on (careful!)

Selamat Makan! (Happy Eating!)

Recipe by T. Johnston-O'Neill
Photos by Shari K. Johnston-O'Neill

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The most famous of all Philippine dishes is adobo. Delicious and easy to make. Here is a recipe for chicken adobo and a recipe for the sweet snack known as turon.

Anyone who visits a Filipino home is offered food by the question, Kumain ka na?, which means "Have you eaten?" It is a polite gesture to say that you haven't eaten even though you may already have. During the preparation of meals, it is also considered polite to ask the host if he or she needs assistance. Most likely, however such an offer to help will be politely refused by the host.

Much of the Philippine population are Catholics or Christians. This is particular true of the lowland ares, in the cities and in the northern part of the country. Christians in the Philippines typically pray before meals to express their thanks and ask for blessings. Eating is normally a social affair enjoyed with friends and family. Sharing food is very common amoung Filipinos who eat together. Filipinos often eat with their hands, which is called kamayan. However, forks and spoons are increasingly popular and preferred by some eaters. Filipino dishes are usually served buffet style with all the dishes presented at the same time. Burping after a meal is not considered rude, instead it is interpreted as an expression of satisfaction. When a party or gathering comes to an end it is common for guests to be offered food to thank them for coming to the festivities. If you attend a a Filipino gathering most likely will leave with plates full of wonderful Filipino dishes

Like other countries, the Philippines have several dishes that are considered to be representative of the country's cuisine. Favorite Filipino dishes include adobo, kare-kare, sinigang, and lumpia. There are many Filipino stores that serve these and many other wonderful Filipino foods in San Diego. Popular Filipino restaurants are Point-Point, Conchings, and Tita's Kitchenette, which are all located in National City.

Below are recipes for two well-known easy to prepare Filipino Dishes. So, as we say in Tagalog, Filipino national language, Pagsaluhan natin or let's dig in!

Adobo is one of the many national dishes in the Philippines. It is a Spanish-influenced Filipino dish that is believed to have originated from Pampanga, a northern part of the Philippines. Adobo is made usually from chicken or pork. The meat is first marinated with a variety of seasonings and flavorings including soy sauce, crushed garlic, and vinegar and then slow-cooked. Adobo has many ingredient variations and methods of preparation. Other countries, including Mexico and the Caribbean, also produce their own tasty versions of adobo. The blending of sweet, sour, and spicy flavors will leave your taste buds delighted. Adobo is a simple to prepare meal that does not take much time or many ingredients.

Chicken Adobo Ingredients:

  • 1 whole chicken cut into pieces as in photo
  • ¼ cup vinegar
  • ½ cup soy sauce
  • 5 crushed cloves of garlic
  • ¾ cup water
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 teaspoon ground pepper

Chicken Adobo Preparation:

  1. Cut a whole chicken into small bite-size pieces.
  2. Place the chicken in a 2 quart pot.
  3. Add vinegar, soy sauce, crushed garlic, bay leaf, pepper, and water to the pot.
  4. Bring the liquid to a boil while stirring. Lower the heat to a gentle boil.
  5. Cover the pot and simmer for about 25 to 30 minutes. Stir occasionally.

Then, yan, tapos na (It's done)! It is simple as that.

Adobo is usually served with white rice so it is be a great idea to start the rice cooking while you are letting the chicken simmer.


Turon is a wonderful Filipino tasty sweet snack to enjoy anytime of the day. It is a fried combination of banana and jackfruit laced with brown sugar. Turon is often made for Filipino get togethers and parties.

Turon Ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of brown sugar
  • 1 package of lumpia wrapper
  • Canaola oil or vegetable oil
  • Bananas (saba are the best)
  • Ripe Jackfruit (optional, it is very sweet)

Turon Preparation:

Saba bananas are usually used for Turon. You can find saba bananas in most Asian grocery stores. For this recipe, we used regular bananas.

  1. Begin by cutting the bananas in half.
  2. Then, cut the half of both bananas length-wise so that you have four pieces of banana.
  3. Roll the pieces of banana in the brown sugar until they are completely coated.
  4. Wrap each sugar-coated banana piece in its own separate lumpia wrapping paper. (Don't worry, lumpia wrappers usually come with instructions)
  5. Pour an inch of oil into a frying pan and turn the heat to medium (350 degrees).
  6. Carefully place the wrapped turons into the frying pan using a pair of tongs.
  7. Fry the turons until the bottom of the turon turns golden brown then flip the turon over and cook the other side.
  8. After the turons turn a wonderful golden brown, remove and let them cool a bit. It doesn't take long for lumpia wrappers to brown so monitor the frying closely.

Recipes and Photos by Nuelma Patio

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  • 1/2 ounce dried wood ear mushrooms
  • 1 tablespoons peanut oil (may substitute canola)
  • 1/4 pound pork julienne cut
  • 2 scallions thinly sliced
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 cup bamboo shoots (thin strips)
  • 1/4 cup tofu cut into thin strips
  • 4 cup of chicken broth
  • 2 teaspoon corn starch
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 1/4 rice or red wine vinegar
  • 1 egg, beaten


  1. Soak dried mushrooms in hot water for 30 minutes.
  2. Heat wok over medium heat and add vegetable oil.
  3. Season port with salt and black pepper.
  4. Add pork to wok along with the white parts of the slice scallions and fry for 2 minutes.
  5. Cut mushrooms into matchstick like strips.
  6. Add mushrooms, bamboo shoots and tofu and cook for another 2 minutes.
  7. Add chicken stock, lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes.
  8. Mix cornstarch with water and stir into wok.
  9. Bring to a boil and cook until sauce thickens, then add soy sauce and vinegar.
  10. Slowly add beaten egg while swirling ingredients with a spoon.
  11. Serve in bowls adding the thinly sliced green parts of the scallion as a garnish.
  12. Add additional salt and pepper to taste.


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  • 2 cups Basmati Rice
  • 1/2 cup clarified butter or vegetable
  • 1 cup chopped yellow onion
  • 2 teaspoon thinly sliced ginger root (peel first!)
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic (fresh)
  • 1/3 cup golden raisins
  • 1/2 cup toasted slivered almonds
  • 1/2 cup garbanzo beans
  • 1/2 cup fresh or defrosted peas
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro

Required Spices:

  • 6 cardamom seed pods, crushed to release the small seeds, pods discarded
  • 1 cinnamon stick broken in half
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper


  1. Pour the rice in a colander and rinse thoroughly under cold running water.
  2. Put the rinsed rice in a bowl and cover with 4 cups of water. Soak for 30 minutes.
  3. Drain rice and set aside liquid.
  4. Heat the butter on medium heat in a large pot.
  5. Add onion and sauté for 3 minutes.
  6. Add ginger and garlic and sauté for 1 minute.
  7. Add "SPICES" and heat until fragrant (a little less that 1 minute).
  8. Add rice and brown for 2 minutes.
  9. Add water that was set aside and the raisins and bring to a boil.
  10. Reduce heat to low and simmer until the water is absorbed and the rice is tender (about 20 minutes).
  11. Cover pot, remove from heat and let stand for 15 mins.
  12. Combine remaining ingredient, fluff rice with a folk and transfer to a serving bowl.
  13. Remove cinnamon sticks and bay leaf and serve warm or at room temperature.
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